Tuesday 31 July 2012

Concept for original game - discussing theme and methods used to develop

 My game that i have come up with is a /action/adventure game

Story - You've woken up in the year 2024 in the middle east, in a small hospital. The area around you has been more worn torn than ever from the events of the third world war that happened in 2018. Everyone in the middle east has been wiped out as a result but you are yet to find out. A note left beside you bedside table tells you very accurate instructions that you must follow if you are to uncover the truths of the world's current state.

Theme - At first the game is peaceful but as you start to expand your journey you find out how twisted the governments of the world are, when you first start your journey you are bombarded with enemy artillery which is actually the NATO's. the game progresses into a more dark and sinister game when you are reaching the final stages.

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