Tuesday 14 August 2012

Gamplay Mechanics

Mechanic 1 - The first mechanic of the game is the exploring, while your main task is to kill the taliban you also have to find clues about what really happened when the NATO invaded. Along your jounrey you will be finding notes and journal entries from scattered US/British solidiers and taliban members which give you the real insight, from the US/british side you see that they were slowly brainwashed into killing everything in there sight, but from the taliban side which is the truth you see that the Grayyarg needs fall into the right hands so that the bloodshed can be resolved.

Mechanic 2 - The second mechanic is Shooting. At first you start out with just your fists but as you leave the hospital you find a gun. you need to be on the lookout for the enemy and quickly take them out before they kill you. Ammo packs will be scattered around the maps so you have to either evade or craftily shoot down the enemies.

Mechanic 3 - Risk and Reward. The taliban special ops who specialise in close combat and seems to dodge alot of bullets are non agressive but when confronted they wont stop attacking you untill you kill them, if you manage to kill one of these special ops they drop powerful items and upgrades to your gun which can make it shoot faster or increase the clip size. But if you die to them its game over and you have to start your adventure all over again

Monday 13 August 2012

Backstory, Environments and Characters

Backstory - Before the events of the 2018 world war 3, the American and British military generals had found ancient plans dating back to the ancient egyptian dates. they realised that one of the pyramids of giza held the remains of an ancient weapon the Grayyarg. This ancient weapon is capable to destroying cities and disintegrating nations in a single blow, it is built like a machine gun and has bayonet spears attached to the sides which have unbreakable ropes that can pull the latched target towards you. After finding out about this information the militarys headed off to the great pyramids in search of this ancient weapon, the taliban's intel spies quickly catch onto the case. upon hearing the results of the ancient weapon they quickly gathered all of thier troops to search the great pyramids and this escalated into the third world war, the big city of egypt was destroyed in just over 2 days and each of the pyramids were ransacked by the egyptians. as it approaches 2024 the combined forces of America and Great Britain had driven out the taliban and destroyed nearly all of the middle east with no traces of the Grayyarg, with nearly all signs of life wiped out one last hope to find the weapon lays in the hands of sargeant Lucien, after his squad was ambushed in afghanistan he was severly injured and taken back the the only egyptian hospital which was located deep underground. The paramedics and nurses quickly began to heal him, but one night a mystical chilled breeze swept into the hospital which landed a note next to Lucien. The hospital top has been ripped open by rockets and anti air missles which has resulted in the building about to collapse.

Environment -the environment of the game is set in egypt, so there will be sand gravel/concrete paths the wind will also create very large sand dunes and pits. You start off in the underground hospital which only contains you, the hospital Maid Reiuji, beside table were you find the note, and the dripper that is keeping you alive. as you walk outside you see the great pyramids of giza and as you look behind the nearly collapsing hospital which has rockets explosion marks. There are egyptian pillars lying around fallen over from the conflict, some are standing and crumbling, while the other ones are keeping the pyramid doors from collapsing. As you enter the pyramid chambers, there are many spike and pit traps and in the middle of the chamber is a sun dial which has in heiroglyphics Grayyarg.

Character Descriptions -

Sargeant Lucien. Lucien is a kind hearted young man who was enlisted into the military because of his ability to think and outsmart the enemy militia. He is from America and is incredibly fit. When he engages the enemy his kindness is completly gone and he becomes the most aggresive commando in the military.

Maid Reiuji - Reiuji is a hot headed young nurse/maid, she is in charge of the underground hospital organisation in egypt. In the events of WW3 all of her fellow friends were killed as they were escaping from the terror, since then she has been on the lookout for wounded soldiers to rescue. one night she found Lucien on the river banks of the nile, she saw alot of hope in him and rescued him and restored him to health. On that night a mystical wind whoosed in a note that fell between him and the bed.

Master Ish - Master Ish is the leader of the newly reformed Taliban, he is a quiet leader who has the brains of a supercomputer. He always has his henchmen standing close guarding him as his close combat skills are crap. He has a plasma rifle that when it hits its target melts anything it touches.